Speaker: Aitor AZCOAGA
Aitor AZCOAGA has been working at European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) since 2011, coordinating the EIOPA technical regulatory reporting chain and the DPM and xBRL taxonomy development. Currently is working with the European Banking Authority, as Project Manager for the DPM Refit and the Digital Regulatory Reporting projects. Prior to joining EIOPA, Aitor worked from 2006 for the Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones in Spain, as project manager on regulatory reporting software. He holds an IT Engineer on Computer Systems from the Universidad de Vigo and a technical degree on Information Systems from the ICAI-ICADE University of Madrid.
Speaker: Alessandro BONARA
Alessandro BONARA is Head of the Division Statistical Application and Tools in Directorate General Statistics of the ECB.
Speaker: Diana GAIBOR
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is DG.jpg Diana GAIBOR is a Policy Expert of the Reporting and Transparency Unit at EBA. Diana has been working at the EBA since 2018 as reporting expert on different reporting and transparency topics and has been coordinating the work on Integrated reporting. Prior to join the EBA Diana worked as a consultant providing financial regulation services to banks with a focus on supervisory reporting. Diana holds a Double degree on Business administration and law and a Master on banking and financial regulation from the University of Navarra.
Speaker: Haizhen LI
Haizhen LI is an IT Reporting Expert at EBA.
Speaker: Jean-Philippe BOHY
After spending almost 20 years in the Telecommunication domain (private sector), Jean-Philippe BOHY has entered the SRB in charge of the Data Collection. “Instead of handling SMS/video call flow, I’m now handling XBRL financial data flows”. On top of the data collection responsibility, Jean-Philippe is also assigned as the ICT portfolio Manager.
Host: Vincent LE MOAL JOUBEL
Vincent LE MOAL JOUBEL is chair of XBRL France. He is co-chairing the XBRL Europe Bank & Insurance working group. Vincent is Head of XBRL Skill Center in Banque de France, within the Taxonomy and Quality Department, responsible for the creation of national taxonomies. He holds a degree in computer engineering from ENSIEE and a master’s degree in bioinformatics from IBISC/University of Evry. He is a certified Datascientist from ENSAE/ENSAI.
Host: Thomas VERDIN
Thomas VERDIN is Vice Chair of XBRL Europe and active member of XBRL UK and XBRL France. He is co-chairing the XBRL Europe Bank & Insurance working group. Thomas is Managing Director at BM&A UK and expertise provider at TESH Advice, working as a consultant for banks, insurance firms and listed corporate regarding their regulatory reporting requirements (COREP, FINREP, QRT, ESEF, ESG). Thomas holds an MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs (Paris – Stuttgart – Montreal). He is a Civil Engineer with a double degree from École Polytechnique de Bruxelles and École Centrale Paris.