
THURSDAY 23rd MAY 2024 – 2.00-3.15pm CET

The agenda of the meeting will soon be completed.

The meeting will plan the upcoming works to prepare

  • Banking CRD6/CRR3 reporting package 4.0
  • Insurance reporting evolutions related to S2
  • Works to prepare xBRL-CSV and Integrated reporting plans. 


Vincent Le Moal Joubel
ACPR Banque de France


Vincent le Moal Joubel is Chair of XBRL France. He is co-chairing the XBRL Europe Bank & Insurance working group. Vincent is Head of XBRL Skill Center in Banque de France, within the Taxonomy and Quality Department, responsible for the creation of national taxonomies. He holds a degree in computer engineering from ENSIEE and a master’s degree in bioinformatics from IBISC/University of Evry. He is a certified Datascientist from ENSAE/ENSAI.

Host: Thomas Verdin
BM&A TESH Advice

Thomas Verdin is Chair of XBRL Europe and active member of XBRL UK and XBRL France. He is co-chairing the XBRL Europe Bank & Insurance working group. Thomas is Managing Director at BM&A UK and expertise provider at TESH Advice, working as a consultant for banks, insurance firms and listed corporate regarding their regulatory reporting requirements (COREP, FINREP, QRT, ESEF, ESG). Thomas holds an MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs (Paris – Stuttgart – Montreal). He is a Civil Engineer with a double degree from École Polytechnique de Bruxelles and École Centrale Paris.