THURSDAY 23rd MAY 2024 – 9.30 – 10.45am CET
- 09.30 Introduction by co-Chairs Vincent le Moal-Joubel, ACPR Banque de France (XBRL France) and Thomas Verdin, BM&A Tesh Advice (XBRL Europe, XBRL UK)
- 09.35 ECB IReF and initiatives around integrated reporting by Juan-Alberto Sánchez
- 09.50 EBA Progress on reporting and upcoming reporting frameworks (CRR3/CRDVI, DORA, MICA…) by Anca Dinita and Pilar Gutterrez
- 10.05 SRB Data collection, and the SRB approach on the adoption of xBRL-CSV by Panagiotis Nikolaou
- 10.20 EIOPA Taxonomy Roadmap by Mattia Duma
- 10.35 Wrap-up
Speaker & Host:
Juan Alberto Sánchez holds the position of Head of the Statistical Applications Section at the ECB where he is responsible of several statistical and supervisory data systems, including the SUBA system used for collecting and processing bank’s supervisory reports. He has more than 25 years of experience in a wide range of data management topics, including the definition of processes and systems for collecting, aggregating, and analysing data. During his professional career, he had the opportunity of working with XBRL, DPM and SDMX standards and has actively participated in conferences, meetings and international working groups. |
Speaker: Panagiotis Nikolaou SRB |
Panagiotis is an ICT Project Management and Business Analysis Expert at Single Resolution Board (SRB) since October 2022. He is the assigned IT Project Manager for the two main Data Collections at the SRB (Resolution Reporting and Single Resolution Fund). Before SRB, Panagiotis was working with the European Banking Authority (EBA) since June 2019, in a similar role related to the Regulatory Master and Reporting data for the different data collections. Prior to the EBA, Panagiotis was working in data-centric projects with different EU and UN Agencies, including the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the Wold Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). He holds a BSc in Informatics and Telecommunications from the National and Kapodistrian University in Athens, Greece and a MSc in Business Systems Analysis and Design from the City University of London in the UK. |
Speaker: |
Ana Dinita is Policy Expert at European Banking Authority. |
Speaker: Pilar Gutterrez EBA |
Pilar Gutterrez is responsible for the EBA work on Pillar 3 disclosures by banks. She is member of the Basel Committee working Group on Disclosure, coordinator of the EBA Transparency Subgroup. In the past, Pilar has been coordinator of the EBA work on stress testing. |
Speaker : Mattia Duma |
Mattia Duma has been an expert in the Supervisory Processes Department at the Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) since 2020. In his role as a data analyst and reference expert on data modelling, he plays a key role in supporting EIOPA’s development of necessary taxonomy updates. Mattia has also led the implementation of the validation list for the 2.8.0 release and actively contributes to the enhancement of SII data quality. Prior to his current position, Mattia worked at the European Central Bank (ECB) for four years, contributing to economic analysis and statistical modelling in both the Statistics and Economics Departments. Mattia holds a master’s degree in applied Mathematics and Statistics and a master’s degree in Quantitative Finance and Insurance. |
Vincent le Moal Joubel is Chair of XBRL France. He is co-chairing the XBRL Europe Bank & Insurance working group. Vincent is Head of XBRL Skill Center in Banque de France, within the Taxonomy and Quality Department, responsible for the creation of national taxonomies. He holds a degree in computer engineering from ENSIEE and a master’s degree in bioinformatics from IBISC/University of Evry. He is a certified Datascientist from ENSAE/ENSAI. |
Host: Thomas Verdin |
Thomas Verdin is Chair of XBRL Europe and active member of XBRL UK and XBRL France. He is co-chairing the XBRL Europe Bank & Insurance working group. Thomas is Managing Director at BM&A UK and expertise provider at TESH Advice, working as a consultant for banks, insurance firms and listed corporate regarding their regulatory reporting requirements (COREP, FINREP, QRT, ESEF, ESG). Thomas holds an MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs (Paris – Stuttgart – Montreal). He is a Civil Engineer with a double degree from École Polytechnique de Bruxelles and École Centrale Paris. |