
THURSDAY 23rd MAY 2024


  • xBRL Standards Update
  • New dimensions for DPM Refit
  • Granular/open tables
  • Table constraints
  • Block tag extraction improvements


Thomas Klement
ABZ Reporting – XBRL Germany


Thomas is managing director of the xBRL software vendor ABZ Reporting.

He is a member of several xBRL boards and working groups, such as BoD (Board of directors of XBRL International), xBRL EU ExCo (Executive Committee) and Board of xBRL Germany. He is co-chairing the SRWG (Standard Roadmap Working Group) of xBRL Europe.

Since more than 20 years he is involved in standard setting for e-reporting in the areas of business registers, tax declaration, regulatory reporting. His current focus is on ESG, ESEF and automated analysis of financial reports with aid of AI methods.

Host: Mark Goodhand
Corefiling – XBRL UK

Mark Goodhand is Head of Research at CoreFiling and Chairman of XBRL International’s Specification Working Group and He is co-chairing the SRWG (Standard Roadmap Working Group) of xBRL Europe. He is responsible for advancing XBRL standards and identifying new market applications for XBRL.

Mark has 20 years’ experience with XML, XBRL and related technologies, and is an author of several specifications. He is widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on XBRL and a major contributor to the Open Information Model standard.

Mark joined CoreFiling 2002 and holds an Honours BMath in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, Canada.