
Since 2018, XBRL Europe provides a ESEF Digital Hub with educative resources to understand the ESEF requirements and comply.

!!!! Visit it at ESEF.XBRL.EU !!!!

This hub provides :

  • Webinars through a webinars program,
  • A list of related tools and services,
  • Links to the taxonomies (including a taxonomy viewer).

For the Webinars, if your organisation is interested to propose digital subject/content for the Hub, we encourage you to:

  • read the Guidance and suggestions for content document available at this LINK
  • fill the application form available at this LINK
  • and send it to the XBRL Europe CEO at this email ADDRESS.

Any organisation can make a proposal and membership of XBRL Europe or other XBRL organisations is not required (even if recommended!).