New rules on corporate sustainability reporting:
provisional political agreement between the Council and the European Parliament – Read the press release
provisional political agreement between the Council and the European Parliament – Read the press release
AGENDA OF THE DAYS: The 22nd of November afternoon – ESEF Plenary – XBRL Europe – Watch the presentations and videos The 22nd of November (Training sessions) and 23rd of November – ESEF in Italy – XBRL Italy – Watch the presentations The 24th of November – ESEF Use cases – XBRL Europe – […]
Data Amplified Virtual is a global gathering of experts in structured data, digital reporting, technical standards and related topics. We will be connecting live, asking questions, sharing ideas and taking deep dives into pressing issues, with instant replays available for all registered attendees. Whether you are most interested in the future of audit, or the […]
XBRL Europe and some XBRL European jurisdictions have decided to organize from April 27 to 29 a series of short online events, regrouped in the “27th XBRL Europe digital week on ESEF”. The presentations and the videos are on line.
Die Präsentationen der Veranstaltung finden Sie auf der Webseite von XBRL Deutschland e.V.: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, anbei finden Sie die Einladung zu der Veranstaltung „ESEF Anforderungen & Umsetzung“. Bitte leiten Sie die Einladung an Ihnen bekannte Kollegen/Interessenten weiter, um unsere Veranstaltung zu unterstützen! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Einladung zur Veranstaltung „ESEF […]
Visit the webinar page and find out more about CoreFiling’s approach to ESMA’s mandate and the ESEF iXBRL requirements and how our reporting software, Seahorse, uses AI and Machine learning the right way to make ESEF reporting as easy as possible. To see more and request a demo:
Due to the Covid19 crisis, XBRL Europe has decided to transform its 25th XBRL Europe days in Paris 17/18 June event into a 25th XBRL Europe digital week starting on 15 June 2020 to be held through various online meetings, workshops and webinars till the 18th of June. 25th XBRL Europe day Digital Week […]
24th XBRL Europe day on ESEF – Organized by XBRL Europe, XBRL Italy and kindly hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Venue : Chamber of Commerce of Milan – Via Meravigli, 9/b, 20123 Milano, Italy AGENDA OF THE DAYS – THE ONGOING PROGRAMME ELEMENTS 5th February – 09:00 – 10:00 – Welcome and […]
Organized by CefPro with the support of XBRL Europe and XBRL UK. Click here to discover more and register.